Dock like mac os
Dock like mac osdock like mac os

This means you will get frequent updates directly from Ubuntu.Ĭlicking on the budgie icon in the to top left corner opens the app launcher which is just a list of applications with categories on the left. Ubuntu Budgie is a bit more customizable when compared with elementary OS, also Ubuntu Budgie is one of the official flavors of Ubuntu.

Dock like mac os software#

Elementary OS uses the long term support edition of Ubuntu which is considered the most popular Linux distribution, so any software guide that works with Ubuntu should also work on elementary OS. The settings app features a simple icon style layout where you will get an idea of what they are just by a glance. To get more workspaces, you can click on the first icon in the dock which takes you to a screen that looks like this here you can scroll to switch between different workspaces, which are dynamically created for you. Although the close button is on the left like macOS, the maximize button is on the right side of the title bar. Unlike macOS, you won't get the minimize button, instead the people at elementary OS suggest you to close the application when not using, as most of the elementary OS applications are designed to remember their previously opened state.

dock like mac os

The default internet browser that comes with elementary OS is epiphany but installing Firefox or Google Chrome is pretty easy. And then we have sound, network, notifications and power options at the right side of the top bar. Moving on, we have the date and time, which when clicked shows a calendar with any events for that day. By default, elementary OS comes with a minimal set of applications, but more applications which are specially designed to run on elementary OS can be found in the AppCenter along with other apps that are generally available for Linux. The application's menu in the top left corner shows installed applications in different pages with support for automatic categorization. This is the best distribution of Linux for you. If you are someone who is looking to replace macOS with Linux and you are not a technical person. Note that I am in no way saying that these distros are copying macOS, they are just different implementations of the same basic idea. Also, Linux is more customizable than macOS, so here are 3 Linux distributions that follow a desktop layout similar to macOS. Using Linux gives you more control to the software and hardware you use when compared with macOS.

Dock like mac os